Friday, December 10, 2010

The figs and olives.

This letter is composed of eight verses, including the Makkiyah letters. At the name taken from the words At Tin That is found in the first paragraph of this letter, which means the fruit cans.

principle of content :
Human beings are the best spiritual and physical, but they will be very low if people do not believe and work righteousness, Allah is the Most Just Judge. God created man in his best shape (perfect), not only from physical form but also the potential that is perfect in every sense, lust, and sense that the basic capital structure of man's spiritual formation. Human perfection can be determined by its ability to utilize all its potential to worship God. He will return humans to the degree that as low if it human not able to utilize all its potential to serve God as the embodiment of faith and pious deeds. So for them (those who believe and charitable pious) will be given a reward that is not broken. God will give justice to the human with the fairest. God will give rewards to those who believe and do righteous and will provide punishment to those who disbelieve and do evil .

1. For (the fruit) Tin and  (fruit) Olive [#],

2. and the Mount Sinai [##],

3. and for the city (Mecca) is a safe,

4. We have indeed created man in the best of moulds,

5.  Then do We abase him (to be) the lowest of the low,- 

6.  Except such as believe and do righteous deeds: For they shall have a reward unfailing.

7.  Then what can, after this, contradict thee, as to the judgment (to come)?

8.  Is not Allah the wisest of judges?

(#) The meaning of Tin by some commentators is the residence of Noah, That is a lot of trees Damascus Tin; and olives is that many grow in Baitul Maqdis.

[##] That is the Mount Sinai where Moses a.s. receive a revelation from the Lord