Saturday, December 11, 2010

Pillars of Faith

Pillars of Faith (pillar of belief) is in Islam religion consists of: :

1 Faith in God.
o Compliance and obedient to the teachings and commandments of God.

Allah is the only God the Creator, the Judge of all creatures, The Almighty, the Most Merciful, Most Gracious Allaahu ismun li dzaatil wajibul wujuud it is means: God is a name to which there must be existence (existence). So it is clear that God is a name to something that is required to be served with truth,  Allaahu ismun bi li dzaati ma'budi haqq means: Allaah it is a name to something that must be served with truth Actually the service of worship.
2 Faith in God's angels.
          o Know and believe in the existence of power and greatness of God in the universe.
Angels (Arabic: ملاءكة) (read: malaa-ikah) is a creature that has the forces that obey the rules and commandments of God. Angels were created by God from the light (Nuur). Faith in angels is part of the Five Pillars of Faith. Faith means believing the existence of angels angels, although we can not see them, and that they are one of God's creatures. God created them from light. They worship God, and always obedient to Him, they never sinned. Nobody knows the exact number of angels, the only God who knows the numbers.
Although humans can not see angels, but if God wills it angels can be seen by humans, which usually occur in the Prophets and Apostles

3 Faith in the books of God.
o Carry out the books of God's teachings hanif. One of the book of Allah is the Qur'an.
o Al-Qur'an contains God's three previous books, namely the books of Psalms, the Torah, and Gospel.

Faith in God's messengers.

          o follow the example of the struggle of the prophets and apostles in spreading the truth and run with patience. Apostle (Arabic: رسول Apostles; Plural رسل Rusul) is receiving a revelation from God with a shari'ah and he was ordered to deliver it and practice it. According to the Qur'an Allah has sent several messengers and apostles name, which must be in the know amount to 25 people

5. Faith in the Day of Resurrection.
o understand that every deed will be no retaliation.

Yaum al-Qiyamah (Arabic: يوم القيامة) is the final day for all God's creatures. Islam provides clear guidance to his followers about the end times. There are various signs (to 100) contained in the Sunna and the Quran about the coming End Times. These signs can be divided into two parts, a large (Kubra) and small (Sughra)

6. Faith in Qada and Qadar.
o Understand the decision and the certainty that God set in the universe

Namely believe that Allah knows what has happened and will happen; determine and write in lauhul Mahfudz; and that everything that happens, good or bad, pagan, faith, morals, ma'shiyat, it has been desired , are defined and created by Him.Being the servant of God that has power, the will and the ability to select against the jobs they take on the obedience or disobedience, but all that follow the will of God.

More Article : 

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>> Maintain the worships of satan disorders 

>> Concept-of-Human-in-Quran