ISLAM is one of the three monotheistic religions, along with Christianity and Judaism. Islam in Arabic means “submission” and is derived from the Arabic root salima, meaning “peace, purity, submission, and obedience”. Islam is the submission to the will of God, or Allah. Islam is a whole way of life based upon the will of God
revealed in the Qur’an, and in the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad. Every aspect of life is seen as part of an indivisible whole, literally inseparable from all other aspects.
revealed in the Qur’an, and in the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad. Every aspect of life is seen as part of an indivisible whole, literally inseparable from all other aspects.
For Muslims, the Qur’an is immediate to God. Everything necessary for salvation and the understanding of
God’s covenant with humankind is contained between its covers. The Qur’an, moreover, is composed not of
Muhammad’s words, but of God’s words. To read the Qur’an aloud is to say God’s words, and to listen to it is to listen to God’s words as though God were saying them.
God’s covenant with humankind is contained between its covers. The Qur’an, moreover, is composed not of
Muhammad’s words, but of God’s words. To read the Qur’an aloud is to say God’s words, and to listen to it is to listen to God’s words as though God were saying them.
Key Beliefs of Islam :
The most fundamental belief of a Muslim is that there is only one God, who is the Creator and Sustainer of everything in the universe.There are no other gods besides God. God created the universe and everything in it. In Arabic, the word for God is ‘Allah’,and often Muslims prefer to use this name. In the Qur’an, God is given many names such as Merciful, Compassionate, Forgiving, and Just. God is neither male nor female.
Muslims believe that God has sent prophets and messengers to all the peoples on the earth. Adam is the first
prophet, Muhammad the last. The Qur’an mentions twentyfive of the prophets sent by God. These include Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, David and Jesus.
prophet, Muhammad the last. The Qur’an mentions twentyfive of the prophets sent by God. These include Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, David and Jesus.
Muslims believe that God gave scriptures to prophets. The Qur’an mentions the Torah given to Moses, the Psalms of David and the Gospel. These contain revelations from God, but the Qur’an is held as the definitive and final scripture.
Muslims believe that God gave scriptures to prophets. The Qur’an mentions the Torah given to Moses, the Psalms of David and the Gospel. These contain revelations from God, but the Qur’an is held as the definitive and final scripture.
Muslims believe that God created special beings called angels with certain functions and duties to fulfil. Gabriel, for example,carried messages of divine guidance to the prophets.
Day of Judgement
Muslims believe that one day life as we know it will come to an end and at some point the Day of Judgment will come. On that day each person will be accountable to God for his or her actions in this life. God will bring back to life all human beings and gather them for judgment, showing everything each person has done in his or her life.
Muslims believe that one day life as we know it will come to an end and at some point the Day of Judgment will come. On that day each person will be accountable to God for his or her actions in this life. God will bring back to life all human beings and gather them for judgment, showing everything each person has done in his or her life.
God’s timeless knowledge
Muslims also believe that God knows everything that happens in the universe. God has full knowledge of the past, present and future, although we cannot understand how. God’s foreknowledge does not detract from human free will.
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