This letter consists of 8 verses, including the group's letters Makkiyah. The name is taken from the word Nature Nasyrah contained in the first paragraph, which means: We would not have been paved.
Principles of contents:
The assertion about the favors of Allah. given to the Holy Prophet, and God's statement that despite difficulty there is relief because it was ordered to the Prophet in order to keep doing good works to Him.
Principles of contents:
The assertion about the favors of Allah. given to the Holy Prophet, and God's statement that despite difficulty there is relief because it was ordered to the Prophet in order to keep doing good works to Him.
Al-Inshirah [Solace, Consolation, Relief]
1. Have We not expanded thee thy breast?-
2. And removed from thee thy burden
3. The which did gall thy back?-
4. And raised high the esteem (in which) thou (art held)?
5. So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief:
6. Verily, with every difficulty there is relief.
7. Therefore, when thou art free (from thine immediate task), still labour hard,
8. And to thy Lord turn (all) thy attention.
In this letter Allah states that He has paved the chest of His Prophet and rescue of the confusion that worried him due to ignorance and stubbornness of his people. They do not want to follow the truth, was the Prophet Muhammad. always looking for ways to remove them from the valley of ignorance, so he went to the road to it and to save them from destruction they were experiencing.
That is, God has to clean the soul of the Prophet SAW. of all kinds of anxious feelings, so he is not anxious, not hard and not too upset. Made his always calm and believe God will help and support him and believe that God assigned him as an Apostle at all-time will not help its enemies .