Zakat Maal Zakat is imposed on the property (maal) owned by individuals or institutions with the terms and conditions, regulations set by law (Islamic law). maal comes from the Arabic, which literally means 'wealth'.
The property will be issued as a charity must meet the following requirements :
1. Fully owned, that such property is fully owned by individuals who will issue a charity.
2. Developed, namely the property has the potential to grow when cultivate.
3. Has achieve the Nisab, namely the property has reached the size / amount in accordance with the provisions, which do not reach the treasure Nishab not in mandatory and recommended for being Infaq or shodaqah.
4. More From the basic needs, people who tithe should need minimal / basic to life are met in advance
5. Free from Debt, if the individual has a debt which, and will be paid at the same time than the property is free from the obligation of zakat.
6. Passes One Year (Al-Haul), ownership of such property has reached a special year for livestock, property deposits and commercial property. Agricultural products, fruits and rikaz (treasure trove) do not have a requirement haul

Various kinds of zakat Maal distinguished on the object, among others :
1. Farm Animals : Covers all types & sizes of livestock (eg cattle, buffalo, goats, sheep,)
2. The agricultural production : Agricultural products in question are the result of plants or plants that have economic value such as grains, tubers, vegetables, fruits, ornamental plants, etc
3. Gold and Silver : Includes treasure made of gold and silver in any of form
4. Treasure Commerce : Commercial property is all that is destined to be traded in various kinds, both in the form of goods such as tools, clothing, food, jewelry, etc, Commerce cultivated here include individual and group / corporate.
5. The Mine (Ma'din) : Includes results from the mining process objects that are contained in the bowels of the earth / ocean and have economic value such as oil, metals, coal, and other pearls.
6. Treasure Trove (Rikaz) : a Treasure that is found and the owner is unknown.
7. Zakat for Profession : this kind of zakat released from professional income (the result of the profession) when you've reached nisab. such as professional public servants or private, consultants, doctors, notaries, accountants, artists, and entrepreneurs