Not only that but the earth is a sophisticated vehicle that made man, but he is a sophisticated vehicle, which has a remarkable facility. in it we get everything we want to survive. ranging from food. beverages and a variety of energy sources, air and an ideal atmosphere, and all sorts of facilities that allow us to establish a life which could reduce the generation of the next generation. dive thousands of years. none of the vehicle as powerful as the human creation and sekomplet this.
Earth as a space vehicle that drove in the universe, with a very high speed. no single man-made aircraft that can match the speed .. a journey with tremendous speed made by the earth in outer space. no less than 107 000 km / hour. in his job to move around the sun.
There is an all-powerful force that constantly balancing the earth revolves around the sun. for billions tahn earth continues to spin at speeds equal to the gravity of the sun. There is an extraordinary powerful force that constantly balancing the earth revolves around the sun. this is explained in the Qoran :
Earth as a space vehicle that drove in the universe, with a very high speed. no single man-made aircraft that can match the speed .. a journey with tremendous speed made by the earth in outer space. no less than 107 000 km / hour. in his job to move around the sun.
There is an all-powerful force that constantly balancing the earth revolves around the sun. for billions tahn earth continues to spin at speeds equal to the gravity of the sun. There is an extraordinary powerful force that constantly balancing the earth revolves around the sun. this is explained in the Qoran :
Who created the seven heavens one above another. You will never see the creation of God, Most Gracious, something that is not balanced. Then look again and again, do you see any flaw?
Be continued ....