خُذْ مِنْ أَمْوَالِهِمْ صَدَقَةً تُطَهِّرُهُمْ وَتُزَكِّيهِمْ بِهَا وَصَلِّ عَلَيْهِمْ إِنَّ صَلاتَكَ سَكَنٌ لَهُمْ وَاللَّهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ (١٠٣
Of their goods, take alms, that so thou mightest purify and sanctify them; and pray on their behalf. Verily thy prayers are a source of security for them: And Allah is One Who heareth and knoweth. (Q.s. at-Tauba: 103).
However, the deed to spend treasure that can clean and purify the people is if it is done under the provisions of which have been mentioned in the Koran. People think that they have fulfilled their duty when they give a very little amount of money given to beggars, give old clothes to the poor, or to feed the hungry. No doubt that these acts are acts that will get reward from Allah if his intention to seek pleasure of Allah.
They ask thee what they spend. Say, 'What is more than necessary." Thus God explains His revelations unto you that ye may think. " (Q.s. al-Baqarah: 219).
Humans just need a little to meet the needs of his life in the world. Property outside one's purposes is the excess property. Most important is not the amount given, but whether he gave it willingly or not. God knows everything and He has given to the human conscience to determine the things that are not really necessary. to spend property is a form of worship that is easy for people who are not seized with greed for the world and are not chasing the world, but missed the afterlife. God has commanded us to spend part of our treasure to keep the love of the world. spend property is a means to rid themselves of covetousness. No doubt that this form of worship is very important for people who believe in relation to the calculation in the afterlife. Messenger of Allah. also said that people who spend their wealth in the way of God will blessed God.
Humans just need a little to meet the needs of his life in the world. Property outside one's purposes is the excess property. Most important is not the amount given, but whether he gave it willingly or not. God knows everything and He has given to the human conscience to determine the things that are not really necessary. to spend property is a form of worship that is easy for people who are not seized with greed for the world and are not chasing the world, but missed the afterlife. God has commanded us to spend part of our treasure to keep the love of the world. spend property is a means to rid themselves of covetousness. No doubt that this form of worship is very important for people who believe in relation to the calculation in the afterlife. Messenger of Allah. also said that people who spend their wealth in the way of God will blessed God.
Another secret revealed about spending one's wealth in the way of Allah by the Qur'an is, people who spend their wealth in Allah's way without fear of being poor, will get the amazing grace in their lives. Whatever you spend in the way of Allah will be rewarded fully. Some verses that tell the appointments are as follows:
"It is not your duty to make them get a clue, but it is God who guide whom He wills. And whatever good fortune you spend, then reward it for yourself. And do not spend anything but by seeking the pleasure of Allah. And what only good fortune that you spend, surely you will be reward enough you're not in the least be wronged. " (Q.s. al-Baqarah: 272).
"Whatever ye shall spend in the way of Allah, shall be repaid unto you and you will not be persecuted." (Q.s. al-Anfal: 60).
"Say, 'Verily my Lord enlarges the provision for anyone He wills among His servants and narrow." And whatever good you spend, Allah will replace them, and He is the Giver of sustenance as well as possible. " (Q.s. Saba ': 39).
The people who believe only expect good pleasure of God and heaven when they give their property, but as a secret revealed by God, whatever they spend will be returned back to them. The return is a blessing in the world, and above all, God provides a haven for those who believe. In the meantime, in contradiction to the people who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, Allah will reduce the livelihood of people who spend their wealth in their stingy, or people who like to gather more wealth and ignore Allah's limits.
"It is not your duty to make them get a clue, but it is God who guide whom He wills. And whatever good fortune you spend, then reward it for yourself. And do not spend anything but by seeking the pleasure of Allah. And what only good fortune that you spend, surely you will be reward enough you're not in the least be wronged. " (Q.s. al-Baqarah: 272).
"Whatever ye shall spend in the way of Allah, shall be repaid unto you and you will not be persecuted." (Q.s. al-Anfal: 60).
"Say, 'Verily my Lord enlarges the provision for anyone He wills among His servants and narrow." And whatever good you spend, Allah will replace them, and He is the Giver of sustenance as well as possible. " (Q.s. Saba ': 39).
The people who believe only expect good pleasure of God and heaven when they give their property, but as a secret revealed by God, whatever they spend will be returned back to them. The return is a blessing in the world, and above all, God provides a haven for those who believe. In the meantime, in contradiction to the people who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, Allah will reduce the livelihood of people who spend their wealth in their stingy, or people who like to gather more wealth and ignore Allah's limits.