Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Courser, The Chargers

This letter consists of 11 paragraphs, including of Makkiyyah letters, sent down after the letter Al'Ashr. The name Al 'Aadiyaat taken from the word Al' Aadiyaat contained in the first paragraph of this letter, it means that running faster.

Principles of contents:
Threats Alllah s.w.t. to the people who disbelieve and who loved possessions that they would get a penalty at a time when they are raised from the grave.

Al-Adiyat [The Courser, The Chargers]

1.  By the (Steeds) that run, with panting (breath),

2.  And strike sparks of fire,

3.  And push home the charge in the morning,

4.  And raise the dust in clouds the while,

5.  And penetrate forthwith into the midst (of the foe) en masse;-

6.  Truly man is, to his Lord, ungrateful;

7.  And to that (fact) he bears witness (by his deeds);

8.  And violent is he in his love of wealth.

9.  Does he not know,- when that which is in the graves is scattered abroad

10.  And that which is (locked up) in (human) breasts is made manifest-

11.  That their Lord had been Well-acquainted with them, (even to) that Day?