When a person reads a translation of The Qur'an, he or she finds that it answers all the questions about why Judaism and Christianity miss the mark; why they have some strange ideas in them. The Qur'an reveals what the original and true message of Moses was as well as what the original and true message of Jesus was. Not only that, even medical science and astronomy newly discovered after the actual 19th century has been described in the Qur'an during the Prophet Muhammad, this proves that the Qur'an is truly a revelation from God, not written by humans. there was also explained about the process of human creation, which comes from the food extract ingested by humans, resulting in a seed on the body. later described the meeting as well boys and girls between the sperm in the uterus and form a lump of blood to the human form and spirit breathed into the human body, all have been explained in the Qur'an.
how the earth revolved around the sun so as to create day and night, also described the process of planet in the solar system revolved around the sun with a different shaft and not collide with each other, neatly arranged in such a galaxy is, until the formation of rain, wind and all the events on earth described in the Qur'an.
how could humans could write a book that explains about the universe, without sophisticated equipment such as this .....? al qur'an is a revelation from god, Allah SWT the almighty.

In order for you to completely understand why this is so, you would have to learn about Islam and see for yourself, however, my view, and please note, this my personal view, is that there is a beauty and tranquility found in Islam which you will not find anywhere else, primarily due to the fact that we as human beings are put on this earth for the purposes of worshipping one God.
So many of us have been caught up in this world that is focused on man made issues like governments and economies, that we have forgotten why God puts us here, and in so doing, we create our own misery. Look at the world around you for proof of this, all those that worship money, end up in wars, or create such vast differences between rich and poor that misery becomes the norm.
Islam clarifies what your focus should be, and if you submit to this purpose, you cannot possibly be unhappy