Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Sun

In these verses Allah swore by the sun rising or not rising because he is a great thing that shows the power that created it and swear by the light, because he is the source of life for all who live. With the month when the escort, to the day when it appeared, the night when it closed it, with the sky and construction, with the earth and it's expanse and the soul and the completion of its creation.
None of that shows the power of God the creator of things and things is incredible

Surah Ash Shams consisted of 15 paragraphs, including class Makkiyyah letters. Named Ash Shams (sun) taken from the words of Ash Shams contained in the paragraph beginning of this letter.

Principles of contents:

Thamood God has been destroyed because of his iniquity. God imagine that this is easy for him, just as easily create objects of nature, day and night, and created the soul in his oath, God tells man piety street and road disbelief; humans have the freedom to choose between two roads of it.

Principles of contents:
Thamood God has been destroyed because kedurhakaannya. God imagine that this is easy for him, just as easily create objects of nature, day and night, and created the soul in his oath, God tells man piety street and road disbelief; humans have the freedom to choose between two roads it.

Ash Shams contains encouragement to people to clean up his soul to be successful in the world and the hereafter, and that Allah will afflict punishment on those who pollute the soul as well as Thamood.

Ash-Shams [The Sun]

1.  By the Sun and his (glorious) splendour;

2.  By the Moon as she follows him;

3.  By the Day as it shows up (the Sun's) glory;

4.  By the Night as it conceals it;

5.  By the Firmament and its (wonderful) structure;

6.  By the Earth and its (wide) expanse:

7.  By the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it;

8.  And its enlightenment as to its wrong and its right;-

In this verse God explains that He has inspired every soul road to wickedness and piety as well as his well explained the difference between them which one can bring happiness and which ones can be brought to the torment and punishment

9.  Truly he succeeds that purifies it,

God Allah The Almighty explained, that very successful people who cleanse their souls and nurture in order to achieve the perfection of mind and actions that produce benefits for themselves and others. And otherwise disadvantaged people are those who lose and drop into the abyss of self destruction due to acts of good deeds and avoid sins and will receive punishment in the afterlife.

10.  And he fails that corrupts it!

11.  The Thamud (people) rejected (their prophet) through their inordinate wrong-doing,

In this verse God explains that Thamud denied him the Prophet Saleh AS insubordination and disobedience to them on what has been said, is that they can not interfere with camels that have been used of God as proof of his prophethood and their promise is not to deny that on certain days only camels can drink water in place and on others can design and their cattle drink from this place.
They exceed the limits, so even though he had been warned by Saleh not to kill the camel, so they are not to hurt, but they sacrificed. Therefore, God destroyed them with their land leveler

12.  Behold, the most wicked man among them was deputed (for impiety).

13.  But the Messenger of Allah said to them: "It is a She-camel of Allah! And (bar her not from) having her drink!"

14.  Then they rejected him (as a false prophet), and they hamstrung her. So their Lord, on account of their crime, obliterated their traces and made them equal (in destruction, high and low)!

15.  And for Him is no fear of its consequences.